We are 30 Miles Northeast From Harrisburg

We Are (1) One Hour North Of Lancaster, PA on 501 north

We are 30 Miles North from Reading Rt 183 or Rt 61

Located 40 minutes northwest of Allentown off I-78 exit 19 RT 183 north
Located 90 minutes west of Poconos along I-81 south exit 104

We are 60 Miles South From Scranton

We are 70 Miles Northeast From York

If you are coming from North Rt. 81 going south, DON'T FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS LISTED ON THE GOOGLE OR MAPQUEST DIRECTIONS!!!!!! (They direct you onto a DEAD END, dirt road)
Take Rt. 81 South at exit 104 toward PA-125 (Ravine). Go approx. 3 miles, turn left onto Sweet Arrow Lake Road at Speedway gas station, go approx. 4 miles, turn left onto Kutz Road, we are the second place on right.

Download "KutzFarmMap.pdf"